Why am I Doing This?

I think that this is a question that we need to ask ourselves every time we do something of significance, or at least we are about to. The other morning as I woke up (the morning after I wrote the first blog!) I had some impressionable thoughts come to mind as I was just waking up. They were in one way oddly disturbing, but in another way freeing, the more I thought about it.. I found myself pondering these things as I slowly woke up - just why had I written that note on Facebook in 2015? Something about this was bothering me. What was it? Exactly why had I written it? It was at a time in my life when I was virtually stuck with terrible writers block. I guess I was having to ask myself some hard questions. How on earth did I manage that, when I was struggling to write? Like I mentioned in the previous blog, I realized that the words I had written were not truly "me". They were not true to my own heart. Oh yeah, perhaps some of my previous revelation was intertwined with ...