When Your 1 Year Break Turns into 6!

So hello everyone and welcome to my new blog, Encouragement for Today! I have had an extended break from writing and I am a little rusty so I hope you will all bear with me!

I am between jobs right now, and having worked the past 6 years and with a young daughter to raise I have found it difficult to focus on writing and to be perfectly honest the inspiration has not been there for me.

However I am feeling that today is a new chapter for me in my writing and journalling and i am hopeful that it will continue on and not dry up. However you must be prepared for the new me. In reading one of my previous posts on Facebook this morning, (actually the only one that I had ever posted on that profile), I realized just how much I have actually grown since that time. I looked at my writing, the things that I was concerned with at that time (I had written something in 2015, not 6 years, however my writing was not flowing like it used to in 2012 and before that), and got a huge shock concerning myself. I could see how deluded I was...

So you are in shock at my statement? Not as much as I am even seeing myself type it! I saw how indoctrinated I was, how my beliefs had been formed upon not so much as what I believed personally, but what I had taken on board from others. I had just believed what was expected of me, and saw things as important that today I look and think..."oh honey, no no, what where you thinking??" LOL

I have also been through a  very dark tunnel and an excruciating period of writers block which has been very frustrating for me, as I just did not understand what was happening to me. Now I can see exactly why this needed to happen to me. I was just not taking the majority of "ordinary people's" circumstances into consideration...I mean, I was trying to....but I wasn't.. not really.

You might say, what on earth are you talking about? What I'm trying to say is, sometimes, we believe things because we were told and taught to believe them, where we haven't really questioned them as we should have. We have gone along with what we were told is right without thinking for ourselves. And at times we THINK we are, but we are not, simply because we are too scared to look at things from other angles. We are often taught to fear looking into things too much, because we are afraid that we might be proven wrong. So, sometimes we need a break from the things that we dearly love, so after a time we can look back and say..."oh honey, no no, what were you thinking?!" These times are good for us.

So don't despise those times when it feels as if nothing fits and you feel lifeless and useless, even. There is definitely a purpose to your seeming barrenness. Mind you I was productive in other areas, just not in the one that I enjoyed the most, and that was my writing...

I have been through a kind of metamorphosis, you might say, and it has not been easy. But I feel that I have lots of new stuff to bring to the table, and hopefully it will be a lot more relevant than anything I have previously written.

So I am hoping that you will come on this new journey with me. But be warned. I will get brutally honest with myself and it might push a few buttons in you. It will trigger you perhaps (yeah ive been trying not to use that word because i think it is becoming one of those overused sayings, being very popular right now) hahaha

This is not going to be a stiff and starchy Christian blog. I am going to be as honest as possible with whatever I write from here on in. I hope you will join me!



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