The Big Scary You - Part 3

The Big Scary You - Part 3 The last Sunday I worked there; I didn’t even know it until the afternoon. I was at my in-law’s place and it was a wonderful day. As we were leaving, there was an air show taking place that day, and we could see the jets doing their thing in the afternoon sky. They were doing all types of stunts, and they looked awesome. All of a sudden, I had the thought, “gee, I don’t really want to go to work today”. Now that might not mean anything to most, but honestly, the whole time I had been working for Sandra, I had never had that thought. I had never wished that I could just take a day off on a whim, and the thought surprised me. The more I pondered this thought the more it grew in me, and I started to think about the recent events that had taken place. I knew that my time was coming to a close, but I wasn’t sure exactly when. I had told my husband that if things didn’t improve in the next few weeks, that I would be leaving and so we had discussed it....